
What can cause an abnormal pap after having a baby?

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At my 6 week checkup they results came back that I had an abnormal pap. The reason why I even had on done is so that i could go on the mirena. And the test result was that I had an abnormal pap, I have never had anything like that before. I am still with the same person and i am very loyal to him. I NEVER EVER had an STD. What could of caused this to happen.




  1. Most likely the  reason it was abnormal was because you just had a baby six weeks ago.  In fact, most doctors only do the pap smear at the six week check to allow for birth control or because they think you won't want to come back again in another month.  What your pap smear showed most likely was "atypical squamous cells"- meaning the cells of the cervix didn't look like what they normally do.  Big surprise there, as they are still adapting to the hormonal changes of post-delivery, and repairing themselves after delivery itself.  I mean, really, delivery isn't exactly the kindest thing to do to a cervix, is it?  It's got nothing to do with your husband or you, and mostly is due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy, delivery, and recovery.  Your doctor should be doing another pap smear in another month or so, and most likely that one will be perfectly normal.  This type of "abnormal" result is pretty common, and won't mean a single thing except one weird reading.  You do not have an STD, you do not have cervical cancer either.  At this point, you may not even have abnormal cells either.  Just one cautious pap smear examiner, that's all.  So try to relax, and not worry about it.  Get the repeat done according to the directions your doctor gives you.  And if you have another baby, ask the doctor to hold off on the pap smear until at least 8-10 weeks post-delivery to spare yourself this kind of scare.  I'm sorry it scared you, and that nobody warned you ahead of time.  

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