
What can cause an increase in reflexes?

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I have usually been a guy of lower than average reflexes. Lately, I have had a surge of increase in my reflexes.

I can catch things in mid air as soon as they start falling down. Usually without me looking directly. Before it would have taken me a while to register that something was falling and it would have hit the ground before me responding to it.

Now, it's like a new ability. I would like to know what caused this to happen. All I can say is that I have Bipolar Disorder, and recently I had my worst case of psychotic episode. I am also taking Lamictal as my medication.

I don't know if any of that caused me to increase my reflex speed, so I would like to know from someone who really knows what caused this.

Please I would like only useful and smart answers. No stupid and simple comments.

It is an actual concern for me.




  1. hey im sry to say this but IDK and i know you  don't want answers like tis but im doing it so i can keep track of it on my profile page because i am just as interested as you

  2. First of all, what you are referring to is not "reflexes" but rather reaction time, which is different.  It is well known that people with bipolar disease will have some difference in reaction time when comparing them during the depressive episodes and the manic episodes.  The cause for this is unknown but there are alot of theories including the number of chemical neurotransmitters released, the excitability state of the neurons, the level of sympathomimetics in the blood (because people on cocaine and amphetamines also have quicker reaction times), etc.  

    Lamictal is a mood stabilizer and an anti-convulsant.  I doubt that it would increase your reaction time, in general, the class of anti-convulsants tend to cause the opposite effects and can sometimes cause slurred speech, difficulty remembering words, etc.    Because no one is sure how Lamotrigine even works (they think it may involve sodium channel inhibition), there is little information about possible effects on reaction time.  

    Is this your first episode of mania or is this episode more severe than usual? this may explain the change in reaction time.  Reflexes refer to neuro-muscular junction and gamma fiber interactions (spinal reflexes).

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