
What can cause someone to become completely emotionless?

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What can cause someone to become completely emotionless?




  1. if they put there faith in humanity time and time again, and are shown that humanity is cruel and evil time and time again.  When you see through experience that there is nothing kind or human about a toy you can break it, same thing goes with people.

  2. Abuse.





    All of these things and more.

  3. um yeah i think so

  4. we become cold when abused ,when we have resentments,no faith,hope,serenity, and we have become selfish in our own needs and forget the needs of others...we stop giving because we feel no one has really put an effort into us...the truth is we have to put ourselves in happy healthy situations so that we have the fulfillment looking out instead of in will help you give in to your feelings  its never to late to feel just hard to deal with at times  

  5. I large emotional blow like a very close friend or relative dying

  6. I'm going to say lack of direction for your life.  Whatever the reason, you can do something positive for yourself. Even though you know you can do something about it, the question is when will you start

    seeking and getting some answers about this. I think we are all somewhat lazy, if we permit it to be so, and can protect  (at least we think that's what we are doing) ourselves from life. This never ever works in our favor. You must apply yourself to some purpose in life.

    A pourpose, a cause, but go to the library, look for things that might interest you in some small way. You must seek direction in life, it usually does not  "just show up "  ....You can work toward some goal of maturity in many areas of your life. You can develope areas that seemingly do not exist naturally.   You are what you think about and what you do habitually on a daily basis..So, you can control or direct some of that toward a positive purpose...Don't waste time in life.

    Be an answer to something and not a problem.  You can't just dissapear because you are here and you do have some purpose for being here.

    I wish you would get this personalized book and a little each day read a page and let it sink in ....It's written all about you and for you.

    You are here for a purpose so Start today seeking out that purpose.

    Live everyday seeking for more !

    You can get your own book, and it will bring much power and control in your life, at the site below in the source line. It is just for YOU.

    Get direction and develope some emotion.  YOU can do that !

    Choose to be the best person you can be....This book can change your perspective on YOUR  life !

    Blessings on your new choices and direction !  YOU can have it !

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