
What can children do 2 help slow down global warming?

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How can children/teenagers slow down global warming? what can they do to help? and how can they get others to help also?




  1. start by not asking for so many toys and things you dont need..

    every thing comes from something.. something MUST be destroyed to make stuff.. even stuff that is made from recycled stuff comes with a price - the pollution generated durring the recycling process and to make it into whatever it is made into...

    here is a link for saving money and the planet

  2. global warming is fake click this link and read the information

  3. .Please read and learn.The truth will set you free. This is a money making scam that the environmental groups love .They scare you and you give.  I can see by the thumb down some people are closed minded.O WELL.

  4. I'm 14

    What I do to help:

    I recycle ALOT(more than I throw away)

    I NEVER leave things on stand by

    I walk alot-max 3 miles

    I use eco friendly deodrant, soap, shower gel etc.

    I donate things I do not want anymore to charity

    I do more but its just become so normal to me it doesnt seem significant so I can't remember

  5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  6. first you can save electricity by not doing two things at once. even though scientist believe that the earth is supposed to warm and then cold. Then believed that humans are making things worse. You can also not use electricity when your not using it. You can compost some of the organic waste and use flourscent lightbulbs

  7. Nothing!  The Earth's climate has ALWAYS been in a cycle of either warming.....or cooling.  Neither adults or children can affect what 'Mother Nature' has been doing for eons.

  8. it's true, the earth does go through cycles, but pollution is not helping, so try to recycle more, dont use a car if u dont need to, etc. u get the idea

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