
What can children do that adults can't?

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i'm doing an art project on childhood.

kids always want to grow up too fast & then when they become adult always want to be a child again (well i do anyway!)

anyway, i'm getting a brain block where i can't think straight & i just need a little help?

what are some of the things you used to be able to do as a child, but can't do now?

examples: kids can go to the park & play on the swings but it's frowned upon if adults do it.

kids have more fertile imaginations than adults.

i got refused admission onto a bouncy castle once.


answers about things adults can do that children can't are welcome too, but i'd prefer to know what children can do that adults can't.

thank you!!




  1. Get into movies cheap.

  2. They can be happy with little things in life.  Once juice box and a cookie will keep them going with happiness all day long.

  3. children can be honest, without having to think about whether it will hurt someones feelings.  They can and will embarrass an adult without even knowing it.  They can get away with things such as pulling all the toilet paper off the roll.  Adults think this is cute,(if it is the first time).  Kids can run around a beach without any clothes on, and MOST adults will not mind.  Of course you do get some.  Kids can l**k their fingers in a restaurant and no one will look at them funny.  Kids can play with their pets in ways that adults would get very hard looks for if they were to do it.  Kids live vicariously, without a care in the world.  Adults have all kinds of things on their minds all the time.  Kids love unconditionally, always.  Adults have a very hard time with this one.  Kids wrap adults around their fingers, not the same way for adults.  Hope some of these things help.  Thanks.

  4. Children can hear higher-pitched noises. There is a very high sound that I can hear and my parents cannot.

  5. Adults can not be honest.

    children can sing out of tune - adults no no

    children can wear Velcro shoes- adult=geek

    children can play with their food

    children can take a nap when they feel like it

    children can get carried when tired

    children can play house, cops n robbers, Indians and cowboys, hide n seek.

    children can go to chuckie cheeses

    children can wear there super powers suit and not look stupid

    children can ride the kiddies rides at the amusement park

    children can run naked

    children can pick their noses

    children can pee their pants

    children can eat dirt

    children can play in the dirt, be dirty from this and look cute

    children can believe in the Easter bunny, Santa and still get money from the tooth fairy

    children can believe in unicorns, pot of gold at end of rainbow

    children can go out in public with combing their hair

    children can talk to their make believe friends

    children can be friends without judging

    children can trust others

    children can give unconditional love

    children can throw temper tantrums

    children can eat a box of cookies and not feel bad

  6. climb a tree

    use a tire swing (most of us wouldn't fit)

    use a hoola hoop

    dress up as superman or batman and run around the neighborhood in a cape and mask

    sit in a stroller

    ride a tricycle

    play on a slip and slide

    run thru the sprinklers in our underwear

    play in McDonalds playgrounds

    ride on kiddie rides at the fair

    order a kid's meal

    have an imaginary friend

    kiss for the first time

    have a case of puppy love

    go to kindergarden

    believe in Santa the Easter Bunny, and the Toothfairy

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