
What can chiropractors do that physical therapists cannot?

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I some states manipulation is allowed to be performed by PTs and chiros.

What, as a chiropractor or PT do you beliee?




  1. I know a lot of Chiropractic offices have physical therapists on staff at their offices so some of them work closely together.  My sister in Seattle uses Dr Walia and I think they have a PT on staff there.  Here is their website if you would like to check on that question.  It is

  2. It depends on state laws and semantics. You are correct that some states will not allow PTs to perform high velocity thrust mobilizaitons/manipulations/adjustments without documentation of specific certification or education.  Most entry level PT programs do not cover this.  Yet, I believe that nearly all states will allow it with the proper post-graduate education.  

    DCs can perform and order diagnostic imaging.  Only PTs in the military can do this.  DCs can also provide nutritional counseling. This also, is not a part of a PTs educational background.  

    DCs cannot perform or bill for physical therapy services in most states, unless they have become "rehab certified" (although honestly, what most DC schools consider the educational requirements for "rehab certification" is a joke)

    As a PT, myself, I agree that high velocity manipulation should not be performed by a PT without the proper residency and/or certification...but mostly in the cervical spine where the potential for injury is much greater.  It would be nice to give PTs the power to order diagnostic imaging, but unfortunately, I don't see this happening.  

    Yet, I don't think that the current DC educational paradigm should allow DCs to bill and treat under physical therapy CPT codes.  Most DCs I know using "physical therapy techniques" are about 10 years behind in the data.  

    While PTs and DCs do have a historically rocky relationship, there is a common ground there, and some PTs and DCs work together quite nicely.  

  3. chiropractors do not have PTs in their clinics, because PTs are against them. And some DC school teach the things PTs do.

  4. I believe both should be able too and I know some too. They are good.

  5. Upon my experience, there is a clear and big difference between the two. Chiropractors trained in the Gonstead method are excellent in locating and correcting problems with the nervous system. Physical therapists trained in the McKenzie method are excellent in rehabilitating muscles and ligaments.

    I would never allow a PT or a regular chiropractor to manipulate my spine or my patients. Manipulation causes rotation and damages the discs in the spine, which feels good for the first year but makes patients worse a few years later. Chiropractors trained in Gonstead does a unique form of manipulation that doesn't cause rotation. Not certain how, but I know that I regained my life and got out of my wheelchair because of Gonstead chiropractic.

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