
What can cure love sickness?

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What can cure love sickness?




  1. Time.

  2. Age

  3. I think you just have to deal with it but at your own pace obviously. If you need to cry cry. You'll feel better after. On the other side though, you need to get out and about to keep your mind off it and have new things coming into your life. On a lighter note, a tub of ben and jerrys works wonders. I dunno what they put in that stuff but it's helped me through some tough times! Hope ya feel better soon.

  4. You can do many activities to distract yourself from thinking of the old love, but the only thing that can truly cure love sickness is time.

  5. Time...and a very good friend!  Someone who's willing to lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on :-)

  6. You can cure it.. you just have to figure out for yourself, how. but I will give you a hint.. You have to use your brain.

  7. Time. .... and ice cream... and best friends...and good movies... and distractions...and exercise.

  8. it differs from person to person.

    some people turn to food and entertainement to distract themselves, others confront the person

    you will learn the best way it suites you as you get older (i dont mean an in old age)

    try and listen to music or go out with friends, exercise is also ideal,

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