
What can do to contribute to the rising yet horffice losses of the San Diego fires?

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It's rather disturbing and saddening to see so many lives affected, homes destroyed, and hopelessness increasing. What can we do as a community or individuals to help out in this natural disaster?




  1. I haven't seen any hopelessness.  I see resolve and sadness.  I see people who going to rebuild and do better next time.  I see people who are realizing what the radical environmentalists have done to them.  I see people who are grateful for what firefighters are doing.

    In time I'm sure that the network news will find hopeless people but they were hopeless before the fires began.

  2. I'd donate to the Salvation Army.  They usually show up days before The Red Cross, spend a whole lot less money on admin cost than The Red Cross, and don't try to hog all the credit like The Red Cross does.  

    Heck, the first person The Red Cross sends to a disaster, the very first person, is a public relations person, and he shows up with little Red Cross flags!!

  3. are you kidding? California is the wealthiest state of the union!

  4. There's a link on to seek help or to offer help. I am not sure what I can do because I can't give people or pets refuge. The estimated damage is $1 billion for san diego alone :(


    Do not trust many other websites. Call numbers first and ask.

  6. You need to seriously rethink how you word your questions...why  would you want to contribute to the loss? That directly implies that you want to do more to destroy California by fire...and that is just plain WRONG!

    Newsflash, if you life is not entirely in order and you don't live anywhere near southern California, you might want to consider helping yourself BEFORE coming out to help here...we've got a lot of money and resources...and as everyone can see our state government is far better prepared for disaster than Louisiana was before, during and after Katrina...we certainly appreciate all the help we can get, but if you can't even get your diction straight (because I HOPE it was just poor word choice) then you are in NO position to help anyone else but start there!

  7. Become a firefighter. Wild Land or City.

    Alaska is the wealthiest.

  8. Allies - what Josh was trying to say to you was that your question DOES iply you want to add to the losses.

    what you probably meant to say was "How can I aid those who have lost..." or "how can I conrtibute to the recovery of those who have lost" or soemthing like that.

    See the difference?

    OK :)


    For now it is not a great thing in people terms - ~ 1500 houses means mayb 5,000 people are affected.

    The Berkeley Hills fire destroyed the same number of houses, all in one place in the early 1990s. I happened to be there that day. Not pretty, scariest night I ever spent.

    But basically people lived in hotels or with friends until they could rebuild their houses, and that is it.

    This is no where near the scale of Katrina.

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