
What can do u do to protect yourself from a curse or bad lucks?

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What can do u do to protect yourself from a curse or bad lucks?




  1. Lucky charms man.

  2. Prayer

  3. Jesus clearly says he has gave us power to overcome evil .. we call on him who is the highest power on earth or heaven. there is nothing more powerful than him so pray that any thing that is bad that he will stop  

  4. Genesis 12:3     And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

    Numbers 23:8     How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied?

    Trust God.

  5. I thought everybody knew this; obviously you do NOT walk on the cracks.


  6. You can avoid a lot if you're pure hearted towards everyone and everything.  

  7. Use a TigerCatcher, I haven't been eaten by a tiger since I got one.  

  8. Ignore them. They're a load of bull; no worries.

  9. I don't, that is pure superstition.

  10. About the worst thing you can do is NOT believe in them. Strengthen your aura through meditation.

  11. Law of attraction!!! do some research on it,.... I have learned that what ever you give your energy to, GROWS...if its fear or guilt, hate, you know negatives, thats what you'll attract...If it's love an peace and understanding...thats what you'll experience! it's your free will, to will, whatever YOU will..... Simply imagine nothing has power over you!  

    There are legions of Angels protecting you, always....simply invite them to....good luck.

  12. The best thing to do is to not believe they will affect you.

    Curses and bad luck are a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  13. if u do bad thing to someone then if that someone curse you it would happen to you. theres nothing like bad luck but theres something like bad destinny

  14. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  He has been given authority over all principalities.  When we give Jesus our life, we get His protection.

  15. Use a dreamcatcher, I havn't had a nightmare since I got one - Honest to god

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