
What can geckos eat besides insects?

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In my science room. I'm in charge of feeding the geckos, but we just ran out of crickets and we have no dry crickets and we probably won't be able to get some for about a week. So, I was wondering can you feed geckos anything besides insects? Thanks for the help, the geckos thank you too.




  1. Leopard geckos are insects eaters ONLY.  Do not feed them fruits and veggies at all.  It would be better to not feed it until you can get some insects.  Do not run out of food--this is a really important part of animal care and I would say something to the teacher in charge.  There should not be animals in the class if no one is going to be responsible enough to buy the right food for it.

    Crested geckos on the other hand do eat some fruit, crested gecko diet, and insects.  

  2. Could you buy some baby food? You can hand feed it to them out of a syringe or pour it into a dish. Stay away from acidic flavors. Be careful not to run out of crickets in the future.

    ~I know a blind gecko that can't see to eat insects. His owner feeds him like this every morning.

  3. Dont Listen to Shawn, I have a gecko and the Pet Store people said that you can feed them fruits and veggies, cause they love juicy things.  So, yeah

    Hope I helped =]

  4. No you cant because they are insectivores. Its highly unlikely it will eat something else, and even if you could get it to, it might upset your geckos health if it isnt a natural part of its diet.

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