
What can get me drunk fast or get me to pass out fast?

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What can get me drunk fast or get me to pass out fast?




  1. Tequila is the king of nasty spirits.

    Don't hurt your liver too much. You only get one.

  2. everclear or better yet gasoline

  3. The king of pass out alcohol is Night Train.  Tastes like grape juice but kicks like cognac.  Next is Silver Satin (try it with a packet of Kool-Aid). If taste is not a concern, try some Cisco.

  4. i actually agree with the blackberry brandy its used as a cure all for coughs etc..

    my grandma and aunt swear by it..

  5. it will depend on u how high is ur alcohol toleration.. the lower it is the faster u get drunk

  6. Bacardi 151 Rum. It 151 proof. That will kill you. It gets me EVERY time.

  7. everclear



    good luck finding any of it

  8. with the minimum brain cells firing in your head right now water would get you drunk, how old are you 14, why do want to pass out quick dont want to know what you did?

  9. the Obvious choice would be Everclear, but first you will get a major hangover and second I really would question, WHY? drinking is a activity to enjoy amongst friends, not loosen you up not to get purely drunk or to pass out, the after-effects binge drinking is just not healthy boys and girls, and there is so much better things to do.

  10. anything containing alcohol will make u pass out if u drink enough of it

    but if u want to knock urself out fast then just drink spirits

    straight vodka



    absinth is a killer

    but be careful a boy only last week died of alcohol poisoning

  11. Chloroform.  

  12. Get a nice red wine, like a Cabernet or Zinfandel.  Brandy is good too.  

  13. I dont know why you want to pass out--but Black Berry Brandy will make you fall asleep--if that is what your looking for/....HMMMM!!

  14. Why don't you just hit yourself on the head with a mallet?

  15. Everclear - About $15 a bottle at the store you will need a few friends to finish it

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