
What can global warming affect if it gets bad?

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like what can happen?

this is for school.




  1. Bring up the fact that the VIkings came across the Atlantic & set up settlements on Greenland. This was, what a thousand years ago?

    They couldnt maintain the settlements because it got cold. You cannot settle comfortably there now. Therefore, it was very much warmer climate-wise a thousand years ago. Given that fact, how can anyone worry about global warming?

    Bring up that the problem is people building to close to the ocean, in flood plains, and that there's just too many people in the first place.

  2. Considering we are actually in a global cooling phase, I see no threat.

  3. The catastrophic predictions of Al Gore and his rogue followers will not ever happen.  They're all crazy.

    The only way this will hurt us is financially if we keep being stupid and try to battle natural events.  Actually, there is no global warming at the moment.  The earth stopped warming in 1998 and we may well be entering a cooling phase.

  4. "If it gets bad..." so worst case scenario which is currently felt to be a rise in average global temperature of 7-8 degrees:

    No ice caps is the big effect. The consequences of that are that the sea will rise by about 100m - about 20-30% of the land where humans currently live will be under water; this means 2 billion people displaced! This also means that land higher than that will suddenly have a 50% increase in population density.

    The removal of the ice caps will completely change weather pattersn throughout the globe - no place will have the same weather as they do now - each place gets affected differently however so it is hard to predict what happens in a specific place but for sure crop patterns will have to change leading to a (possibly) temporary decrease in food production.

    The massive shifting of weight (ice at the poles to water everywhere) will trigger any number of seismic events - big earthquakes, increased vulcanism (ironically possibly leading to a temporary cooling effect) possibly even a mega-eruptions (100-1,000X Mt. St. Helens).

    Due to the rapidity of the change, most life won't have a chance to adapt and we will experience the 6th massive die-out of life in our world's history.

    Basically, about 90% of species will become extinct and we can look at 3-5 billion people dead. Obviously our existing patterns of society and culture will be completely changed.

  5. Global Warming would affect every living thing on this planet, and create a living nightmare with Mother Nature, such as increasing more violent weather like hurricanes, more tornado's, constant downpours like the ones recently experienced in the Midwest of the United States, it will destroy the coral reefs that support thousands of tiny sea creatures, the list for the damges that global warming can do to this Earth is endless.

    It would create a world unlike anything we have ever known.

    This is why the top scientists in the world and several environmental groups are trying so hard to get people's attention regarding this very important issue.

    Currently the Ice Caps have been melting at a more rapid speed than what is considered normal by the scientists.  If this continues to happen and at the rate it is happening, the small Islands in the world will no longer exist, the water tables will increase by three to four feet and these Islands will be underwater, for ever.

    So, tell your class and your teacher that the only way to stop global warming is for everyone that lives on this planet to all start working together to correct this problem now, before it gets way out of hand and then we are all in trouble.

    Thank you

  6. -Polar bears turn into pink yetis.

    -Leprechauns take over the world.

    -Humans sprout wings and fly to Mars.

  7. well it will never happen so why think of the imposible

  8. if its anything like last winter, I would think we would be living under 30 yards of snow

  9. did you ever read about the dust bowl back in the 30s?

    it could come back perminantly.

    there's been a drought in the southwest for 10 years now.

    this year, in calif, our water district has required that we cut back 19% in our water use.

    Darfur is thought to be caused by drought brought on by global warming.

    200,000+ dead.

    is that sufficiently bad?

  10. Sinusitis, overdose of vitamin D, blond hair syndrome, dark skin complexion, cooking on the sidewalk, pawning charcoal, growing citrus trees in Tennessee, deep sea fishing on the NJ turnpike, melting Klondike ice cream bars...etc.

  11. Global warming is a crock of scheisse. It's all completely natrual. It won't get bad, because this is what's meant to happen naturally to this planet.

  12. Global warming can affect everything that is living basically, as well as all the weather conditons, droughts. etc.. People who say that it doesnt exist are loco!

  13. The premise that global warming is caused by man is false, therefore, if we are going into a warming cycle, it is natural and has happened before. The earth will not crumble, and it will not  self destruct. The only way this could happen if the sun blows up.

  14. The end of potable water. It is inevitable, have a look at Australia, Africa and China.

    All life that requires fresh water to live will cease to exist. This includes all animals that don't actually drink water but get their hydration from the food they eat that does drink water.

    You wanna be rich? buy stock in water. You'll be a billionaire in 50 years.

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