
What can happen at the us canada border if some one have a warrant?

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a friend was suppose to come to visit me to Canada from the State before he flew he left a message on my voice mail saying that he was in the plan but never arrived to my place, i know he has a warant from Washington




  1. Chances are he was retained in custody at the border.  You cannot enter Canada if you are a wanted criminal.  Canadians with criminal records and warrants are also not allowed to enter the US.

  2. Since 9/11, people crossing the border are subject to criminal background checks.

    If you have a trial under way, or there is a warrant for your arrest, or you have charges pending against you, you are considered criminally inadmissible.

    Your friend was probably refused entry when he got to customs.

  3. Since our government monitors our websites, in the interest

    of our "national security," his warrent, may already be served.

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