
What can happen if I register and insure someone else's car and they are stupid?

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My ex mother in law is a very irresponsible and manipulative person who has a suspended license due to a DUI she never took care of in Las Vegas. She now lives about 400 miles to the north and is trying to buy an old piece of c**p car from a private party and since she can't and her son can't, they are asking me (a typically honest and responsible person) to license and insure it.

I have tried to say no but they just won't take no for an answer so maybe if I have a legitimate and valid argument besides that I just don't trust the drunk old bat or her similarly drunk and irresponsible husband, they would back off. Any help?




  1. Tell her that it's illegal and that you would go to prison if you did that.  Tell her that you spoke to a lawyer and that the police in your town have been informed to watch out for any new vehicle registrations under your name.  And that if any new vehicles show up under your name, the police and insurance agencies will come around and jail you for tax evasion.

    That'll shut her up.  (That was the question, right?)  :)

  2. If you register and insure this car for this woman you are legally responsible for whatever happens to the car and or her and anyone else she decides to hit or let ride in the vehicle.  According to the law,  you would be more responsible than she is because you are knowingly giving her the means to get caught for DUI again.  You will pull as much jail time if not more for whatever she does.  They took her license for a reason leave it that way if you don't want to loose everything you've got.

  3. That would literally be the dumbest thing you could do.  They cant force you so keep saying NO they sound crazy.

  4. If it's registered and insured in your name, you are making yourself responsible for anything that happens while she's behind the wheel - she's your ex-MIL - let her family deal with it - if I were your, I would just say a very loud NO!!

  5. If you do this for her than you can join the stupid club right along side them. Think about it. Don't be fooled.

    Don't be an enabler. Think about the other people who will be driving on the same road as her that she could potentially harm.

  6. You would be setting yourself for a huge lawsuit and could stand to lose everything you ever owned. You would be the owner of the car, simple as that. Then, you as the owner, allow a known drunk to drive your car and the drunk gets in a wreck, and kills a family. Guess what, you as the owner are going to court! This not only reeks of enabling an alcoholic, it also is a clear sign that you need to get control and keep control in your life. Sounds like you have more than enough to handle and this has nothing to do with your question, but you need to get the h**l outta there! If people aren't concerned with the possibility that you would go to jail, and yes, you can or will, really now.......Don't sign nothin'! It's the enabler in you asking this question, face the alcoholic and say NO!

  7. I am not aware of any State that allows a person who is not the owner of a vehicle to register and insure it. besides being a dumb idea on your part, it would be illegal (even if you somehow managed to do it). You would be responsible for damages caused if there was an accident. No one can force you to do anything you don't want to. As Ann Landers said "No one can take advantage of you, unless you allow them to". Call a DMV office and they will tell you the details of this.

  8. The answer NO is easy in this case.  

    I understand being a nice person, BUT you do not want to risk YOURSELF for someone who is irresponsible.  

    How about this one: because she has a suspended license it is NOT legal for her to be operating a car... NO MATTER WHAT!  She is NOT licensed and LOST her privileges to drive!!!

    Would you like to spend time in jail?  Because if you register that car and insure it in your name... and you allow someone who has NO license because of a prior DUI to operate it.... and she would drink and drive again but this this time KILL someone because of her irresponsibility .... you would join her in jail for allowing an unlicensed DRUNK driver to operate YOUR car.  You would be legally liable for HER actions since you LEGALLY own the car and gave her permission to drive it.  

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