
What can happen if someone runs away?

by Guest57851  |  earlier

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My friend ran away and she is just 12 and I am worried about her. What can happen if a 12 year old girl runs away.




  1. I really hope she ran to someone who cn help her with whatever the problem is. She is so young and could be in a lot of danger.

  2. Let's not be naive, luv.  Anything can happen to a runaway.  Let's just hope that she ran to a relative.

  3. If you know where she is, then tell the police. Alot can happen to a 12 year old girl that is dangerous.

  4. what do u mean by happen?

    depending where you live in some places the ages are bettween like 16-21 where like..u legally have to have parents permission to do things

    with her being 12 her parents can call the cops

    hopefully she went to a relatives or another friends

    and yeah.

  5. Has she contacted you? If you know her whereabouts, it is best that you tell her parents.

    That is the best thing to do if you are concerned.  

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