
What can happen if someone steals your childs birth certificate?

by  |  earlier

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I was gathering together all of his important documents that I needed to enroll him into Kindergarten while he played at the park when suddenly he called me and I ran to see what the matter was.

The family sitting right next to me who appeared to be here illegally because none of them spoke any English were gone when I returned and my sons birth certificate was gone too.

If they took it what can they do with it and how can it affect my son?

The appeared to be from Mexico so I don't know if they can pass his last name off as a Mexican name but still they may do something with it I just don't know what it is.




  1. Need not worry.

    Apply for a duplicate.... stating the incident took place.


    SAY WHAT???

    people think that theft of a birth certificate is not critical??

    For starters, they don't need to be present, to use that information (a Hispanic child can easily have a father who is not, appearance is meaningless. Yes, they could use that to enroll the child in school, and without trying to be stereotyping.. it would be exactly what is wanted to create false citizenship for the child. With the birth certificate, they can apply for his "lost" social security card. Having that.. they can use the number for false credit accunts, which unless your child's number is flagged, no one would verify.

    Identity theft is among the most serious issues in our country today.. I am blown away that people don't know this.

    While this is from Texas, you should use it to contact possible agencies in your state.  The main problem is that any use of the records, are things that won't necessarily show up immediately.  

  3. Thats horrible,I'm not really sure because,

    1.I'm 12

    2.I'm stupid

    But I think I remember my aunt loosing her birth certificate outside and nothing happened, you should be fine!(you should also ask where ever you got the birth certificate from.)

    Hope it helped a bit!


  4. Thumbs up for Wendy C

    I think you should call the SS admin to let them know that anyone applying for a card in your son's name is committing fraud.  These crooks may be apprehended.  I also think you should file a police report.  Take it upon yourself to call schools in your area.  Who knows-the illegals may even try to register their son in your district.  Good luck with this.

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