
What can happen to a 13 year old girl that runsaway from her house?

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what can happen to a girl if she has to go to court for a runaway ? what can she get like a warning or probation or get locked up!!!




  1. I don't understand why she would even have to go to court for running away, this is not illegal.

    The girl has to have done something bad to go to court.

  2. Could get house arrest or sent to live in a group home.

    Wouldn't be the best choice to run away. Too many dangerous people out in our world.

    If you are being abused and want to run because of that you could reach out to a counselor or a police officer.

  3. she wont get locked up she would get put on house arrest for awhile more and likely but she was to run away she could be taken raped and then yet killed because shes on her own and really dont know who to trust and not to trust

  4. I really don't know what would happen to you legally, other than you might end up in juvie.

    I can tell you that if you run away, if the wrong person finds you, you could end up in alot of danger.  You could be raped, tortured and possibly even murdered.  Aside from that, you could end up on the streets in a prostitution ring with a pimp who sells you for your body.  You could get beaten on a regular basis.  You could become a child slave and have to work in a slave ring, working for horrible people while being beaten, tortured and raped all of the time.

    What makes it so horrible for you at home?  Are your parents bad parents.  Do they beat you?  If they do, then go to school and tell a teacher or a guidance counselor.  They are mandated to report this to authorities.  If you don't want to talk to them, talk to one of your friends parents, or to a church pastor, or even go to the police dept.

    Are you just upset because you have rules?  If that is the case, your parents just want to protect you and keep you safe.  

    I don't know your situation, but I feel bad for you at the age of 13 wanting to run away.  My daughter is 13 and I would just die if she ran away.  

    Email me if you need to talk.

  5. Warning

  6. hello i have seen it happen that they put them in a special home for run aways and i would say they may even go on home arrest

  7. She won't get locked no judge in the world would do that, probably a warning or restrict her to her house for a while.

  8. You're not breaking any laws by running away, but you certainly are putting yourself into a very dangerous situation.  Most runaways, especially girls, don't live much past 16.

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