
What can happen to my babys daddy / ex in new york ???

by  |  earlier

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im pregnant and he imed me saying he hopes the baby dies, he hopes i die, he hates the baby, he left texts saying he will never be in the babys life. BUT if i ask for child support he said he will "take the baby away" im really scared, im scared to call the police, im just so scared. if i print out the convos and bring it up in court can it help. NEW YORK only.




  1. yes ,in you shouldnt got to the police cause it not that extreme as you making just file an resteraing order against him .and i dont understand he dont want the baby but if u ask him for money he going to take "umm maybe he a littl off in the head" however file an restraing order file for child support if he take the child he charged with kidnapping that easy ...and if he dont pay child support and he will get garnish and all work out in your favor

  2. save all the texts and print the IMs just in case. he's just trying to scare you and its working. he just doesnt want to give you his money. when you have the baby, he has no right to take it away from you anyway. you are the mother and you have custody since he was not there to support you and the baby. dont worry. if he tries to pull anything you will still have the IMs and texts to prove he's not a good father.

  3. You have to take him to court he can't take the baby away thats kid napping, he can go to jail for that. The court will force him to pay child support. Deffantly print the ims and bring them to court. Tell them he hopes you and the baby die and you will get the baby and his money all to your self. If he doesnt obey he will go to jail.

  4. Sound like a bully! Keep the IM's. Print them out, take to cops & to court. Sounds like the kind of guy who will dodge child support by working off the books.... A real loser!

    Good luck

  5. print those out and take them to the police NOW!

  6. well you can keep the text message and show the cops and ask for a restaning order... and when you do go to court and they look up the reason why you have a restraning order against him thatll come up and he wont get to have the baby....

  7. he's saying all these things to scare and upset you. so by getting all worked up and upset you're actually doing what he wants.

    i see you asking questions about him over and over again, the other day you wanted to tell him that you were gonna have twins but one died, even though you KNOW you only have had one baby the entire time.

    you seriously NEED to stop thinking about this boy and get on with your life. SERIOUSLY. he cant take your baby away unless you do something wrong like excessively use dont give him a reason to.

  8. He's full of sh-t. He cannot take the baby away. He has no interest in him/her, and the last thing he wants is to have to take care of a child. All he is trying to do is scare you.

    Get a lawyer to advise you about establishing sole custody/child support. The printouts of the conversations will be useful. You will feel so much better when you have competent guidance.

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