
What can he do about his ulsers?

by Guest63786  |  earlier

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ive been with my boyfriend now for 2 years, and for just over a year he has been getting these terrible ulcers in his mouth, on his tongue and even on his throat, it causes him so much pain. hes tried everything on the shelf, been to the doctors and a few weeks ago, the hospital, they took swabs to be analysed and still nothing. they don't have a clue whats causing them or what can help them. hes becoming really unhappy, taking days of work and just not living his life. its so hard to see him like this, there's times he will sit in the bathroom washing his mouth out with salt water and crying. is there ANYTHING that can help him? anyone had this problem and found something to help? the thing we find most hard is the fact we havent had a proper kiss in a year :( thanks




  1. It may be something quite rare called Stephen Johnson syndrome. I think that's what it's called. Ask the GP to refer him to a consultant at the hospital, if they are unwilling, push for an appointment. It really could be something simple or way more serious so needs to be seen ASAP. I know that a sore mouth is really, really soul destroying. Here is a link so you can  look it up a bit further, as you can see, it affects mucus membranes which includes the mouth lining. Good luck.


  2. you could try taking a multi vitamin - sometimes ulcers can be a lack of vitamin B.

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