
What can he eat while i'm weaning my baby?

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i'm currently weaning my 5 month old son. at the minute he has his cereal for breakfast, and carrot and potatoes (liquidised) for tea. i can't thnink of anythin to give him for his dinner so i still give him breast milk. he has the same every day and i'm worried he might end up being picky with his food as i dont know of anything else i can give him that i can liquidise. any ideas?




  1. Borrow a book from the library called Annabel Karmel's complete baby and toddler meal planner. There are tons of ideas in here and my son loved them.

    Pureed pear, apple, swede, turnip, banana, sweet potato and it doesn't matter if they have repeats of the same for meals - they need to taste something for upto ten times before it becomes familiar.

    You will put more variation in as your baby gets used to the foods.

  2. my aunties liquidised what she ate for dinner to give to her children. this way your child is getting good food and you dont have to cook extras! also veg works really well too//

    good luck


  3. you can give him any vegtable as long as you blend it with a little of his usual milk to give it the right concistancy.try stewing an apple to or mashind a banana with a fork and a little milk.there are also some yougarts from the supermarket that are with the everyday yogarts that are suitable from 4mths to.

  4. I would highly recommend the New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner book by Annabel Karmel. I have used it with my 3 children, it's got lots of recipes and information. To me it's a must for any new mums and best of all, I am still using it now and my oldest is 8 years old!

  5. You're not supposed to 'wean' a 5 month old baby from breastmilk/formula!!!

    Breastmilk/formula should provide most of his nutritional intake until he is 12 months old.

    At 5 months, he should have one small 'meal' of solids a day. This should initially be 1/2-1 tsp, gradually increasing to 2 tbsp.  

  6. applesauce or pearsauce is good or even more cereal to help him stay full all night

  7. Your husband can eat anything he wants. Just make sure you cook it correctly.

  8. Sweet Potato, Cauliflower, Parsnip, Butternut Squash. I chop them up finely, boil them and then put them in the blender.  My son loves them, I mix them with his formula to get the consistancy correct.  

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