
What can help me lift my self esteem i'm a mom of five and i didn't finish school.

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i want 2 better my kids life and go back 2 school and get a good job but 2tell the truth i feel stupid and I'm afraid i don't have the knowledge 2 make it happen :(




  1. Well, first of all do not be so rough on yourself, if you dont believe in you then who will?

    Find an adult GED class in your area, they are likely offered at night and full of adults in similar situations to your own. Whow knows you may even find a friend in those classes.

    Depnending on what you want to go to school for, they have classes desigend for working adults.

    The GED class shoudl get you back in the swing of things as far as school, and you just need to stay motivated and knwo you have to do this for the sake of you and your family.  

    Good luck!

  2. The first thing you can do to make a better life for your kids is to like yourself better.  If you sign up for adult ed, you can do the classes at your own speed.  I know a busy mom of five can't have much "extra" time, but little by little you work on your classes until you're ready for the GED test.  You already might be more prepared than you think.  If your kids see mom doing "homework", it will impress them that their own homework is a bit more important too.  After "the best mom you can be", the best thing you can do for your kids is to make sure that they get the best education they can get now and graduate high school instead of not finishing and having to go back later.  You are not stupid, just ignorant, and ignorance only means there's something you don't know -- we're ALL ignorant about something!  The cure for ignorance is education.  You have recognized that you don't have something that you want (an education and a better job), and a stupid person is just happy in their ignorance.  So go get your GED, get that better job, but start to feel better about yourself now because you're on your way!  

  3. The first thing you can do is stop using the number 2 for the word to.

    Go ahead and get your GED. I'm sure it's not that hard. Look -- you already know how to spell the word knowledge and a lot of people can't do that.

    Don't be your own worst enemy. Just jump in and do it. A good education is the best investment you can make in yourself, and no one can take it away.

  4. If that's how you've been living your life, then you probably deserve to feel a bit guilty! On the other hand, although recognizing your mistakes is a big step, it's not enough by itself to set your life back on track.

    First off, I recommend that you stop using teh aol speak wen ur tokkin w/ ppl on teh intarwebz. It really makes me feel bad to see people talk about their kids this way...if someone can't even use proper spelling and grammar, how fit are they to be a parent? Consider using proper english as the next step towards developing your mind and improving your life. :)

    It's hard to say exactly how you should plan your future without knowing a little more about your situation. Are you living with the kids' father? If so, what kind of job and education does he have? What's your financial situation? Do you have friends and relatives who can provide financial or practical support? Exactly how many years of school did you complete successfully? How old are the kids?

    In most advanced parts of the world, there should be adult education centers available, which basically offer high school equivalent courses for people above high school age and are designed specifically for people in your kind of situation; unfortunately, they often cost considerably more than going to high school does, which is another incentive for people to get their secondary education done when they're still teenagers. I would recommend that this is probably your best choice, because being an adult without a complete high school education is not a good way to live a successful life. However, if you're going to succeed at adult education, you're going to have to have the time available for it (some centers may provide night schools that will allow you to hold a job at the same time if this is necessary), and perhaps just as importantly, you'll have to make sure you're psychologically prepared to go through with it. High school courses are hard enough even for teenagers, and as you get older your ability to learn tends to slowly deteriorate (although keeping your mind active helps a lot to combat this effect). It seems to me that in almost all cases, failing to complete high school is not due to one being mentally incapable of learning the material, but rather due to one either not being psychologically prepared to learn or not having the social or financial opportunity to attend school- usually the former. In other words, if you have enough time and money, you almost certainly CAN do it, it's just a matter of wanting to and being willing to. In the meantime, even when you're not taking courses (or just during your free time), there is a vast amount of material on just about every subject available on the Internet. Interested in physics? I could give you dozens of links to pages with explanations of various physics principles on just about every level. Interested in programming? You can easily find IDEs and tutorials on the Internet for almost any language. Interested in history? There are more history records online than you could read in a lifetime, presented in just about any format you want. And if you end up taking college courses on any of these subjects a few years from now, having a more comprehensive background can only help. What I'm basically saying here is, so long as you have a computer and an Internet connection, there's no need to remain ignorant. But again, you've got to WANT to learn. If you prefer to slouch in an armchair and watch soap operas and reality TV shows all day, you're free to do that, but just keep in mind that the world you live in isn't very forgiving of that kind of lifestyle. Can you succeed? Yes. Can you succeed effortlessly? No. Real long-term happiness requires WORK, it requires INVESTMENT, and if you're truly willing to put in the necessary effort, you're already doing better than a lot of the people around you. Those the kinds of things you've got to tell yourself in order to get yourself thinking in a way that can make you successful. Don't tell yourself 'I'm doing it for the kids.' Don't tell yourself 'I'm doing it because I'm supposed to.' Tell yourself 'I'm doing it for myself, because I want the rewards, and I want to earn them.'

  5. then read books at home first

  6. DON'T...and I repeat...DON'T YOU EVER CONSIDER YOURSELF AS STUPID!!!  Everyone makes mistakes (some make worse mistakes than others and they end up making the wrong choices) and regret it later on in life <such as you feel that you have done>, but it's NEVER TOO LATE to better yourself <for example, you can go for your GED, you can take training courses to learn a trade, etc.> and REGARDLESS of whether you have 2 kids, 4 kids or 10 kids, there is ALWAYS a way to achieve a goal you set for yourself.


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