
What can help my studdering?

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I know that calming down helps, but is there anything else? or a revolutionary calming technique no one has heard of?




  1. I saw an interview segment on "Tavis Smiley" where both Carly Simon and Travis Smiley talked about how they conquered their stuttering problems.  I'll give you the links to the video and written transcripts below -- hope this helps, and inspires you.

  2. Speech therapists use different techniques.  One of them is singing.  There was a popular, male, country western singer years ago, sorry, don't remember his name.  When he spoke, he stuttered, but when he sang, he didn't.  He said he breathed differently when he sang and the words came out easily.

    If possible, you should see a speech therapist to give you additional help.  Your doctor can give you a referral.  If for some reason, that isn't an option, go to the library and talk to a librarian.  Chances are really good he or she can help you find books with additional, practical advice.  Good-luck.

  3. Try not to think about it. If you start stuttering, you'll get nervous and stutter more, so just ignore it and pretend it isn't happening.

  4. i know people who stutter, but don't when they sing.

  5. Now your into somthing,i am a yacht owner and have been cruiseing many years now but in my teen years there was a TV show named Hee Haw i was the youngest guitar player in the group it was lead by my first cousin ,i met lots of what is now nashvilles greatest of all times one of them was OMG for the life of me tonight i cannot remember his name he could not speak one word with out studder his solution was to hum a tune in his head while he spoke and it worked and he was at the time nashvilles number one hit why i cannot remember his name dam i am at a loss ,I remembered it was mel tillis

  6. Sing more.Like every day to increase your vocal muscle memory

  7. I remember reading somewhere in ancient Greek literature about a young man who had a terrible stammer and stutter.

    He went on to become one of the great orators of ancient Greece.

    He had a speech defect; including a stammering problem that legend says he overcame by speaking with pebbles in his mouth and reciting verses while running.

    "As a young man, he was given the chance to speak to the assembly on some vital issue. But his weak voice trembled, his thoughts were muddled and he grew less confident as the speech progressed. He was finally forced to step down to the sound of boos and hisses. Humiliated, he withdrew from public life."

    "But the young man was not easily defeated. More than anything, he wanted to be a great orator. (…) To improve his diction, he practiced for hours at a time with stones in his mouth. To strengthen his weak voice, he shouted over the heavy winds blowing in from the Aegean Sea. To clarify his presentation, he studied the techniques of the masters. And to overcome his fears, he practiced with a sharp sword hanging over his head"

    Not that I'm recommending the sword.

    It stands to reason that stones in the mouth could choke you, so perhaps use with caution.

    Who was this young man of old?

    Demosthenes - who first introduced Democracy to the world, hence it took his name.

    Best of luck.

  8. yes its called prozak try it :)

  9. The country music singer who stuttered is the great Mel Tillis. Visit some of the websites below for some inspiration from other celebrities who have dealt with speech issues.  

    Above all, don't let it affect your self-esteem.  You'll be able to do whatever you want to do with your life!

  10. I don't n n n no n o n on n n know

  11. stutter

    just relax  

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