
What can help with our overuse of fossil fuel problem?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering about some examples of things that might help out... ex: hybrid cars, taking the bus... etc.





    We do not like to think of having less fuel to force us to get on with reducing consumption, but every bit of fossil fuel extracted will be sold and consumed. Only reduced extraction will ever result in any reduction of consumption.

    If we reduce consumption, prices drop and someone will use it. If we cut supply, we will of necessity reduce consumption.

    We will make accommodation to use less and still live well. Frankly we will eventually have to.

    We might be more comfortable being told several months early that we must be ready  to use less.

    But know early or don't, if we know that supply will be adequate, will we conserve?

  2. Find out who is saying it is an overuse and change the problem statement 'til there is no problem.

  3. "Overuse" by what standard?  How can you claim that someone is "overusing" a product for which they paid?

  4. Build more oil wells and refineries.

  5. The people who make money off it want you to overuse.  They make and sell cars with the lowest MPG they can get away with.  They fund efforts to convince people there's no problem, just like the tobacco industry used to to.  They are well aware of the problems it's causing and well aware that better technology exists.  They probably know they can't hoodwink the American public right down to the last drop, but the closer the better from their point of view.

    You just have to do what you can right now.  This phase of things isn't going to last very long.  Then we'll have an entirely different set of problems.

  6. Definatly Less use of our cars. Shutting off every light when not in that room. Also be sure to unplug anything not in use, things such as TVs, VCRs, DVD players, toasters, Microwaves, Lamps...basically anything plugged in and not is use is considered a "Voltage Vampire" still sucking up at much as 20% of your homes energy consumption simply by being plugged in while not in use! Crazy eh?!?

    Also try to purchase fresh food, and food that are not packaged in plastics. Eating less meat believe it or not also helps reduce our carbon emissions thus slowing down global warming. The list goes on, if you would like more info, feel free to contact me.

    Saving the planet, one word at a time!

  7. solar , nuclear ,wind generators

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