
What can i be when i grow up?

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what jobs are there in a science background where i will get paid well and not work and is enjoyable im 17 and i dont know what i want to be when i grow up. but i do like sciencei know its a bid broad but any suggestions are great thanks




  1. stop worrying about the pay. science is a very vast feild. find a job in which u can sustain urself and in the 1 u are really interested. you may even land up enjoying as well as working for a better future.

  2. Research!

    But dont sell your patents to the bad companies!

    And, yes, the first answer is also good!

  3. chemical engineer?

  4. hmm science.... theres soo much.. idk doctor(surgeon) to an electrician

  5. there is not much job where u dun need to work(afterall, its called a "job" lol) but u shud aim at jobs where u would be enjoying while u do. Imagine urself being an accountant when ur love is for science, everyday u would go to work feeling bored and eventually u would hate working. This will make u suffer for the rest of ur choose jobs where u think u would enjoy...if u like hands-on jobs involving calculation stuffs, engineering(mechanical,E&E or chemical) would be great for u! but if u just like theoratical science, perhaps u can even persue a career in being a professor in university, maybe an actuarist... if u hate maths altogether, maybe marine biologist isn't so bad too

  6. Anything you want to be.

  7. Go with what your strong in science. Like me, im great in earth science so im planned on becoming a geologist

  8. Cosmology (space science) is interesting. And all sciences are good. without science, where would we all be?!! Good for you! study the science which you love the most, and you will be the best there is! Good luck!

  9. a good person, we need more of those around!

  10. You may be paid well, but expect to work. Community colleges have many two year technical degrees, such as biotech degrees. I do not know if you want to do the work of college, yet.

  11. you want to get paid well and not work?

    well that sounds like a job that's gonna require a ton of school

    typically the less schooling you have the more work you are going to need to do

    so whatever anyone tells you, there is no easy fix

    it's gonna take schooling

    you can ask your school for some aptitude testing

    that's a test thing where they ask you a bunch of questions about what you like and don't like

    then they will tell you what jobs are best suited for you

    that's prob the best way to go

  12. marine biology would be really fun and you could get paid a lot being like a trainer or something like that.

  13. try getting job like Forensic type of work like in CSI

  14. police man

  15. nuclear technician

  16. sock knitting factory operator

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