
What can i charge the parents for a fulltime slot in my listed home daycare?

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Iam a 24 year old woman with two german college degrees in childcare and i would like to open a listed home daycare in Texas!

What do you think i can charge the parents for a fulltime slot in my daycare!




  1. For a 7:00a to 5:30p charge $125 per week per child, with discounts if two or more kids.

  2. it all depends on what you consider a full-time slot but i would suggest you call around to other home daycare centers and ask what their rates are then you can get a nice rounded figure and from there determine what you would charge. Good Luck!

  3. most good quality schools charge between 200-250, but i think that you should charge 200 since you are just starting out, and raise it every year as you add more staff...

  4. I have a day care in NY and i get $135 for an child under 2 and 2 till they go to school i get $130 a week.  The bigest mistake i made was taking part time kids.  They take up a spot even if there not there so make sure the parents pay you for the whole week.

  5. 30 dollars a day that i'll give you 150 dollars a week (5 days)

  6. $50 a day (8 or 9 hours) in NJ

  7. I would imagine anywhere from $100 to $200 a week.  I live in California and know that my friends pay $150 a week.  My other friend who lives in Vermont pays $120 a week.

  8. Well, I live in Texas, My daughter goes to a daycare. I pay $126 a week, I have been paying that since she was 3. She is 4 now. Next fall the rate will drop, because she will go to school.

    I paid $30 this year for books and supplies for a pre k class. I paid $50 registration fee 1 time a year and A $50 registration fee that is credited for the summer.

    She was in a in home daycare for a while and I paid $75 a week. But I supplied all the food and materials for her!

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