
What can i claim?

by Guest44720  |  earlier

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i am 16 yearls old now and i live with my friend. I need to start paying rent, how can i get rent money? i am returning to school in september




  1. Ah? we all need money to rent a flat and it might sound as a surprise, but there's a thing called "work" you know?

    If you are too young to work why did you choose to rent a flat? Or are you one of those people who want to live on benefits and rent for free with my money???

  2. Claim a job, that's how the rest of us get rent money.  If you are too lazy to do that, try the game?

  3. i think you can claim money for being at school now, also try for council tax benefit and housing benefit and also try jobseekers allowance.

    also check this website out or i'm not sure

  4. Why don't you live at home? I'd imagine there is assistance for you and if you go to your localjobcentre and Citzen's Advice Bureau you should be able to find out more.

    Saying that I completely agree with the other posters - whatever the reason is that you have moved out of home, you should still be getting a job. You are a little young to be sponging off state benefits (that we all pay for with our taxes) don't you think?!

    However if you do fancy putting your feet up and having a lazy life  - pop out a few kids. The labour government may well give you a free castle and steak for life. Then you can teach your children to sponge off the system once they get to 16 and Gordon Brown will be delighted.
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