
What can i dip paper in to give it a light baige color?

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what can i dip paper to give it a light baige color

like on edge of a dollar bill




  1. you can get some tea bags, put them in water for a couple of mins. then get your paper and dab or gently smooth the tea bag over it, then get a hair dryer and dry it quick and easy!!!

  2. Coffee or diluted coffee depending on how dark you want it or herbal or any other type of tea.  Anything with tannic acid will do the trick.

  3. Maybe green or regular tea

  4. Tea...

    brew some tea (like a cup or two of hot tea) the more tea bags you use the darker the beige color, also the length of time you leave it in the tea will help too.  Once the paper dries it'll also look crinkly and old.  This works well for trying to age maps and fabrics (like curtains), but unfortunately the color is not always uniform.

  5. light beige paint

  6. go to craft store by beige paper =)

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