
What can i do, my hamster is driving me nuts!?!?

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well ive had my hamster for a while, and almost every night he bites on his cage like crazy, and it drives me insane because i cant sleep.

he has other things to chew on in his cage, but he decides to chew on the cage..

is there anything i can spray or rub on thats home made..or store bought that will make it taste bad and make him stop?




  1. urgh i went thro the same thing with my hamster..its really annoying. from what i know i dnt think theres a way you can get him to stop...with a spray or sumin...

    unless u hold him everyday, that will make him clam trust me i know. and they can bite, and it hurts bad, so make sure u wear thick gloves that you can still move ur fingers in.

    i did that with mine everyday and eventually she stopped bitting the cage and let me hold her with no bitting or any problems.

    or keep him in his ball at

  2. try to give it half of a baby carrot each night or some wood chips (hamster safe). Did you keep a wheel/tredmill in his cage? that helps a lot.

  3. Since hamsters are nocturnal we cover their cages with a dark cloth in the day time and at night we uncover them and we have a night light by the cages. It took a few days in the beginning, but they eventually developed a new routine of being up n the day when their cages were dark and they slept at night when the light was on. Hope this helps u!

  4. hamster are nocturnal. And ive had like 9 hamsters and all of them have done that.. Move the cage from your room maybe?

  5. HUGE PROBLEM! Most people don't know this but it can cause brain damage and misaligned teeth. Excessive bar chewing can cause misaligned teeth, leading to brain damage. Misaligned teeth=broken teeth. If hamsters teeth break off they will become different lengths and will need regular trimming. If left untreated they will grow up into the hamsters brain, eventually killing the hamster.

    It is sometimes caused by boredom, so play with your hamster lots. And if you don't have wooden chew blocks get them, they trim the hamsters teeth. Make sure you have lots of toys so your hamster isn't bored.

    I would suggest switching to a bin cage. You know those giant bins? Just buy one and put everything you would put in a normal cage in it.

    Good Luck!

    Oh or you could buy some bitter apple spray (at a pet store or wherever, just make sure it is hamster safe) and spray it on the bars of the cage.

  6. vinegar....they hate it and its safe for em

  7. move the cage at night

  8. I used to have a hamster that did that.  I also attempted to place other chew toys in her cage.

    The best way to stop her from chewing the cage bars is to buy a cage that has no bars.  An extra large plastic or glass cage is preferable.  

    Good luck!  

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