
What can i do, to not get so sick of my family?

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I am literally irritated by my family there not my immediate family, there my extended family like my cousins aunts , uncles and grandparents. I see them every weekend, its always the same plans, stay home and cook dinner for the day.There is no excitement, and they come uninvited.I am 17 years old, still live with my parents so i cant say much or do much over this situation. When we go on vacation its with the same people, we never get a break from each other.I don't know if any one out there has ever watch Everybody Loves Raymond but my life is like that. I am so annoyed that i think when i get older i am going to live in a different state. Please give me advise on what i should do now and in the future?




  1. Thats life honey - can't pick your family - why not starting a new tradition and getting some fun going on - while dinners cooking why not watch a few movies, play games - anything fun - i'm sure the fam will be ready to try anything - you never know, they may be bored too!

  2. First of all how you feel, I think, is perfectly understandable. You are right, there isn't a lot you can do cos you still live at home.

    For the moment, if I were you, I would make some serious plans for your future - but keep these plans in your head for now.

    You need a career, a job which provides income if you want to live an independent life soon. So work for that. Schooling, training - decide what you want to DO with your adult life and get on with planning and achieving it.

    While you are doing this try to take some time out just for yourself. Read a book, pamper, walk in park & see nature - anything which will recharge your batteries and give you some private time & peace.

    I do hope you find something in this. With my very best wishes both for now & your future. UK.

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