I had my king charles cavalier put to sleep on the 20th April 2008... Lady had a heart murmur for 3 years and she got to the point where she struggled to breath. we decided to have her put to sleep as she was really struggling to breath and her back legs went on her that very night....Lady was 8 years old. I'm still heart broken I cant get her out of my mind, I miss her sooo much, she was there through all my bad times and she was my baby, that until I had my first child, then she took a back step in my priorities, I feel sooo guilty about this. wish I knew how ill she really was and that I could have prepared my self for this. I now have a 18 week old puppy and shes brought some light back to be honest I think I jumped into buying her looking for a piece of Lady back. (stupid I know) they are nothing alike and my pup is very difficult, shes a Lhasa Apso and is very stubborn and willfull... We love her and hope she will eventually learn from me I am trying my best to teach her well but she seems to forget as soon as she has learn.. any advise on both topics will be gratefully received..