
What can i do I'm nervous of starting school in 10 days!

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ok I'm nervous of starting school I'm starting 8th grade and i don't know how its gonna be new teacher and stuff how can i get over my fear?




  1. its just like 7th. I am probably more nervous then u because I am going 2 be a high school freshmen, so you really have nothing to worry about. Don't be nervous it will be ok

    just finished 8th grade

  2. don't worry... have fun... when you get older you'll regret being worried about little stuff like that

    how to get over fear... be optimistic think about positives :)

    the new teacher is probalby worried to about starting in a new school... on the first day you'll get to know her/him and fell so much more comfortable...

    the most important thing is to HAVE FUN!

  3. fear is acctually ecitement you should love school. here get some nice clothes to show off so youll be looking fowered to your new outfit rather than 9th grade for the recored 9th and 10th grade are the most fun 8th and 7th suck believe me ive been to 9 different high schools bro i know just remember pimp it out youll  feel good  

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