
What can i do about a bully who just moved back to my school? please read details. Help!?

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Ok i might be overeacting, but i dont know what to do.

When i was in the 7th grade, this kid in one of my classes bullyed me really bad. I would get really upset, and would leave class crying on more than one occation. I Lost friends, my grades started to slip. and it was terrible.

I think what upset me the most was the fact that he had gotten alot of the guys i knew since elementary school, to pick on me as well. I even tried talking to my counslar, but he would just be so nice and innocent to her when she called him in, no one would believe me. Luckly, half-way through my 8th grade year, he moved out of state. And even better, after he left a few of the guys who had followed him even apologised and a few of them even admitted that they didnt like him much in the first place.

Now im going into the 11th grade, and my life has been SO much better now. I have ALOT of amazing friends, im alot more confident, puberty happened and im WAAYYYY better looking, i have a job, and i have a boyfriend who is absolutly CRAZY about me :) . I start school next week and im ready to start the year, and it promises to be a GREAT year!

...Except for one thing....

Last week a got a friend request from HIM on facebook. And even though it's been a long time, and im NOT the little girl and pushover that i was... It still made me a little uneasy that he would do that. So once i got the nerve... I checked his page. I found out that he moved back. And he's going to be going to at my school.

Im terrified that if he starts bullying me again (OR WORSE. If we have any of the same classes..), he'll ruin everything. Just like before...

Is there anything i can do to prevent this?

Everybody knows that junior year is supposed to be the hardest, and i cant be distracted, especially by somebody like HIM. I need some advice. Anybody know what i can do? Please im open to all suggestions!




  1. well one thing is, this was about 4 years ago so there's a chance that he's changed a lot and is more mature. that's important. CHANGE. you are now a better person in many ways, and if u show him that, there shouldn't be a reason why he'd bully u again (plus i think bullying occurs less often in high school, especially to a girl). just show confidence and show him that u are a grown young lady and has moved on and forgot about the past. like whenever u see each other or even talk to each other, dont show signs of fear, start fresh and introduce to him your new you.  and whatever u do, dont talk about the past and bad memories! and if he starts talking about before or bullying you again, stand up for yourself, tell him that was a long time ago and that your upperclassmen in high school and that bullying is so childish. plus you can get help from your friends and boyfriend.

  2. Alright first off if a guy is picking on you he deserves to get his *** kicked. It's just wrong. And if he has any balls he will have matured some and you should be good. Anyways i really wish you luck.  

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