
What can i do about being so skinny?

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Hey im a 15 year old girl in high school and everytime i see my lesg in the mirror they are really skinny. im mean, i have nice legs but if they were a little less skinny, it would be better. i dont want to be seen as a stick.

what can i do? Will they change over time?




  1. Try biking, it tones your legs.  

  2. PROTEIN SHAKES :) and weights. i'm really skinny too and i find strength training helps alot;...

  3. Eat food that have low fat but alot of protein. Also exercise alot, running helps. It'll burn the fat off, but it'll give you lean muscle, which will make your legs nice and toned =)

  4. eat some bigmacs.

    no im just kidding.

    you could try eating a little more.

    but if you do alot of running they will probally build mussel

  5. I wish I knew the answer to that. I'm 16 and really skinny, I hate my skinny arms and legs and I wish I could put on a bit of weight, but it just doesn't seem possible at the moment. I eat loads of junk food but put on no weight.

    Try and eat fattening foods, but try to remain healthy

    Good luck


  6. Eat regularly and exercise, especially stretches that deals most with your legs.  running is okay if you want to increase your calves.  yes, it burns fat but you can gain it back in muscle.  Do you buy magazines like cosmogirl?  Every month, they have at least five workout moves for different parts of the body.

  7. eat alot ?

  8. if you do excersise your legs then they will get bigger but why do you want big legs?

  9. Eat a lot.

    Or do loads of exercise to build muscle in your legs. Running etc.

  10. eat FOOD

  11. I dont think you can do anything about it,maybe ask your docter or an adult you trust.But,that could just be how your body is changing,and growing.Soem girls just have to go through that stage i guess.

  12. If you're not underweight, flaunt what you've got. A lot of girls would kill for thin legs.

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