
What can i do about housing association's tree scraping on my roof?

by Guest63386  |  earlier

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I have asked them to cut the branches down but they have said they won't do it until October. When it is windy outside the noise is horrendous in the house!




  1. if it is overhanging onto your property you have the law on your side to cut branches back

  2. Cut the branch off....what are they going to do?? Thank you? oh if you want to be mean just cut it off and throw it over the fence to the owner of the tree

  3. not sure about private premises but in construction industry a small damaged branch can incur a fine and they take it very seriously when we finaly get permission to cut down or trim it has to be done by a tree surgeon . if you cut it back yourself and they come out in october something might hit the fan but if you have a receipt for a tree surgeon might be ok

  4. I would probably just climb up and cut it off. Maybe do it when no one is watching, because some busy-body idiot may complain to the council

  5. Don't know if you are able to reach the tree branches yourself but don't put yourself in any danger. If unable to diy then someone must be able to do it for a small charge (tree cutters) if it bothers you that much it will be worth paying for and I don't think the association can do anything about you doing it yourself if it is a nuisance, failing that call citizens advice bureau.

  6. There is probably a good reason why they won't do it until October, but it all really depends on the circumstances.  Different types of trees require pruning at different times of the year and depending on the amount of pruning needed, doing it at the wrong time of the year will actually damage the tree.  A home-owner's association relies on the advice of their landscape company as to when the trees should be pruned and they may have already planned for that particular tree to be done in October along with the rest of the trees on their property.  Basic trimming up to a certain height is usually done by their landscape company, but major pruning will be done by a "tree man".  Since it is expensive to hire a tree man, it is highly unlikely that they will do just one tree at a time and have probably contracted with someone to come in October and do all the trees.  

    Unless you are willing to pay for it yourself, please try to be patient and wait until October.  As long as they have it planned, there's not too much else you can do.  You haven't stated if you are a member of the community or if it is a townhouse or a single family house, but if it is a townhouse community, any damage to the roof would be the responsibility of the association anyway.  If you do have damage because of the tree, then document it and present it to the association for repairs.

  7. get a ladder,  diy,  if they complain then record every time you called them or sent them an email or letter,  then show them

  8. cut the branch

  9. Tell them they do not have until October. You tell them how long they have before you take your pictures and tape recordings to small claims court for non compliance. You have a right to peace and quiet. If they know you mean business and have proof of the problem they are more likely to do what they are supposed to do. They want their dues on time don't they. Have someone else cut it down and send them the bill. Good luck, you are in the right.

  10. Did you get it in writing?  Write a response stating the exact problem and that you have asked them to cut the branches and because they won't do it till October you will hold them financially responsible for any repairs that have to be made as a result of their branches scraping your roof.

  11. Just keep ringing them and be a pest (but politely) until they send someone.  This does really work, I worked in the Council Housing Department years ago and the people who complained the most got attention and their problems solved.  Also contact your council so they can give the Housing Association a push.

  12. Contact the council complaints department and tell them about the situation, they can advice you further.

  13. get someone to fix it

  14. take action....ask them again and call the police if they refuse this day and age you shouldn't have to put up with that..

  15. we had the same trouble with a tree outside our lounge window and rang our housing assosiationthey told us the samething but i just kept ringing them every day and eventually they came and cut it down before october

  16. If you are in England (inc Wales) and it is on your property you can cut the branch back yourself (or pay/get someone to do it) as it is on your property, and you are unlikely to be able to be recompensed for this.

    As the tree sounds fairly big you cannot cut the tree down without a court order in the UK as some have suggested as you would incur a hefty fine.

  17. broom

  18. Get a chainsaw and chop the tree down , job done.

  19. Keep a copy of the letter you wrote (or write one if you haven't yet, as that makes it formal) and keep a journal of noise, unnecassary cleaning up because of it and keep receipts for damage repair .

    Send all your facts and findings in writing again the following year including any repair bills,

    They will soon grow tired of you and cut the thing when needed or get rid of it!

  20. You can cut any branches that are on your property.

  21. we have a home thats in an association. all associations have diffirent rules. you should have got a rule book when you moved in.  i am responsible for the maintenance of my yard and trees. i can trim things as needed the only thing i cant do is cut trees down. if the tree is over 3 inches in diameter i have to get permission. you shouldn't have any trouble cutting off the branch.

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