
What can i do about illegals at my work?

by Guest44880  |  earlier

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My job will hire mexicans right through the doors and make whites and blacks go through temp agency.I find this do be very discriminating.What can i do about this?I have watch as they have turned away whites and blacks saying they have no openings and then they will hire a mexican that walks in through the doors.I am not racist,but i dont like it when people are being singled out for their race.They should have to go through temp agency just like everyone else.




  1. HA! do you have proof, or is this just an assumption because the Mexicans are making you look bad by out working you? and that's the real reason they want to hire more Mexicans....they get the work done Better, Faster and Cheaper! But it's bad for lazy American Citizens because they raise the bar on work ethics.

  2. If you are positive they are here illegally you can turn your employer in, that being said I do not understand how you can possibly know that by seeing someone walk through a door. It is discriminating to single them out as being guilty of being illegal because they are Mexican.

  3. Put yourself in their shoe, The mexican will do everything and all for a small wage. Are those guys able to do the same.


    If a black or a white guy work hard like those mexican, I don't beleive we need to import mexican to or area to do the job. Have you seen a white guy cleaning the trash or mopping the floor. NO. INS will not going to help because they allow that for them to come in for a long time.

    For low type job, we need some people to do it and those kind of job, black guy or the white guy will not do it because they think they are better than that. INS bring a percentage with an order of work force to cover some of that manpower to finish their job.

    Over all concentrate on your own job and don't worry who comes and goes. because one of these days that mexican will take over your job too. Because that mexican all he wants to do is work and gets paid and support 15 people in his family.

  4. call ICE and INS, report it to your local newspaper to make sure it gets the attention of the community!!! do everything possible to make sure these invaders are not employed anyway shape or form. they do not deserve jobs only deserve to be dealt with drastically and deported!!!!

  5. Somehow, the employers have gotten "THE WORD" from somewhere about not hiring

    illegals and not even having them working.

    I don't know the penalty, but it must be bad cause....A large flower grower in our county

    has just fired 200 illegals.

    I have such mixed feelings about this because I know many of these people have been here for 10-20 years.  They have just

    never had the opportunity to get a Social

    Security card because way back when, they

    never entered legally.

      Also, the wait is so long now for the paperwork and the citizenship that these people will be dead of old age before they

    are naturalized.

      What will probably happen is that when these people can't feed their kids, they will

    turn to the drug trafficking trade.

      We have many very nice Mexican families

    living in our area now.  They cause no problems, they work hard, they don't take

    professional jobs because most can't speak

    English.  there must be a solution for everyone.

      There is no way these families can live

    in Mexico anymore, there is just no way

    to earn a living down there.

    I had one Mexican lady tell is much better to hide and live "out of sight" here,

    then to have to return to Mexico.

  6. Are they wearing a sign that say 'I'm Mexican and illegal"?

  7. Turn them into INS, works everytime

  8. Your statement about blacks and whites is PURE racism,

    You are not talking about cars or something like that, you are talking about people


  10. Learn to speak Spanish. Both Obama and McCain are going to give them amnesty. Also, they will be allowed to bring in 100 of their closest relatives from Mexico. All of a sudden, there is going to be 250 million of them here all demanding services like free housing, free healthcare, free food stamps, and free education. Vote for Bill Barr Libertarian. He's going to building the fence and kick out the illegals.

  11. Do you work in the HR dept? If you don't you don't got no proof they weren't sent by a temp agency or that their illegals. To you their guilty coz their Mexican. That's not right and you should be fired coz your bad for morale.

  12. First off, just because they're Mexican, doesn't mean they are illegal. If they aren't asking them about social security numbers or reporting their salary for taxes, then yes show concern. But otherwise, that's considered a type of racism to assume they're illegal just because they're Mexican.

    Besides that, if they are illegal, you can report the work for letting illegals work without a work visa or whatnot and get the business in trouble and then they'll be under watch for a while.

  13. Call ICE.

    Report Suspicious Activity:



  14. Call ICE. Also, try to speak with the people they are turning away,let them know what you have seen and encourage them to get together to start a discrimination lawsuit.

  15. Report them to INS. In Arizona they have a special office that deals with this and they can be heavily fined if they are found to be hiring illegals. It's a crock that they get hired over legal American citizens. This country is going down the tubes and fast.

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