
What can i do about my crazy landlord???

by  |  earlier

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the most recent problem, she changed the lock to the double gate that lets my car in the yard and did not give me a key for it, i was never informed at all that she was going to come and do this? is she allowed to do this?

she's came onto the property withou noticed looking in all my windows and parked on the street for over an hour. a stinky drunk maintence man came at 8 pm without notice wanting to repair a coubbard. i asked my friend to be here when she came on the property and i was told she looked through my kitchen cabinets and drwas even after being asked to stop.....what, if anything can i do about her?????




  1. It is illegal to change locks on tenants . they can come into your apartment for repairs but looking into personal areas is not acceptable. I would move out as soon as you can find a better place.

  2. If you can prove it you can have her arrested  she is not allowed in your home with out your  permission if you a have a signed lease or rental agreement  Changing the locks is allowed unless it is written in your rental agreement that this is your parking area

  3. Start looking for a new place ASAP and report her. She is not allowed to look through your personal belongings.

  4. Yes, its illegal for her to change the locks and not provide you with a key. She has breached your contract agreement, not only that. There are some unethical business practices on her part. Give her a written notice of your intent to vacate the premises and the reason why.

  5. It is illegal for either party to change locks without providing keys to the other.

    I'd call 911 on peepers or suspicious cars parked on the street.

    I would feel in my rights to refuse entry to ANY person under the influence, with advance notice or not.

  6. If you have a lease describing the property leased to you, and and the yard is part of the property leased to you, and there is no provision against parking your car in the yard,then you may consider her act a trespass and you can break the lock or sue her in small claims court for that trespass or get a restraing order to keep her off the property.

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