
What can i do about my diet?

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i wanna lose a couple of lbs but my diet is pretty bad

i have a waffle and coffee and orange juice in the morning

mostly pasta and rice carbos at lunch

and i have rice meat potato etc at dinner

what can i do so i can lose couple of lbs

and yes i do exercise

what should i cut back on and eat more of?




  1. you need some fruits and veggies in there as well, if you arent already. maybe cut down a little bit at lunch. im just guessing, but im thinking thats not exactly a small serving of pasta (cant blame you either, cuz i love it myself) if you switched out the rice for some veggies at dinner, you would be well on your way to losing a couple pounds. wont be very quickly, but it will happen. be patient and good luck

  2. I want to lose weight so I am going to try the soup diet. You could lose up to 17lbs in 7 days. It's supposed to really work. You basically eat a special kind of soup everyday your eat fruit and vegetable and drink no carbonated drinks, no sugar drinks. So basically you can only drink water, cranberry juice(no sugar added), unsweetened tea.

  3. Start drinking only water and lots of it.  

  4. cut back on orange juice... too much sugar. change the waffle to oatmeal or a couple eggs and lean ham.  Cut back on pasta and rice at lunch, do lean meats, fish or chicken and vegetables, and at dinner again reduce your carbs with lean meats, fish, chicken grilled.. and vegetables.    

  5. ufff, you're eating a lot of unhealthy carbs there...for the morning, skip the waffle...your best options are oatmeal, cereal high in fiber, or whole wheat toast...make sure its just 8 oz of orange juice or less, and use Splenda instead of sugar for the lunch, make sure to eat at least 4 oz lean protein, nothing fried or breaded...and, measure the carbs, no more than 1 cup of rice or pastas...for dinner, don't have rice AND potato, choose only one of them and eat them in the right portion...also, the meat has to be low in fat...lose whatever the "etc" means...add veggies to fill you should be fine doing this least you're exercising which is the most difficult part

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