
What can i do about my dog....?

by  |  earlier

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he is the biggest out of my three dogs, hes a pit/rottie mix, and he wants all the attention. anytime im playing with my other dogs he comes out of nowhere and pushes them away from me with his big is there anything i can do to make him stop doing that??




  1. Yes.  He is attention seeking and if you give him the attention he seeks when he is pushing the other dogs out of the way, then his attention seeking behaviour will progressively get worse to wards you and the other dogs.  Thus, the more you 'reward' him by paying attention to him (either positive or negative attention), then the more he gets to know that his attention seeking behaviour is proving fruitful.

    The only way to secure long term changes is to develop another experience for him out of new learned behaviour.  Basically, ignore him completely when he comes up to you after pushing the other dogs out of the way.  Don't look him in the eye either!!  Once he settles down, then pat and fuss him.  He will learn 1) that pushing the other dogs out of the way does not guarantee attention from you and 2) that you come to him when you want his attention, hence he will value your 'leadership' more.

    Good Luck!!

  2. This  is a dominance action.If the other dogs let him do it and step aside it  is ok since they know he is alpha dog.This keeps peace in the dog pack.Just give attention to the others dogs too and if necessary you can say no to him if he pushes up on you.You don't want him to dominate you.

  3. take him outside

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