hello I am a marine reservist who joined oct. 2000 and was seperated in oct.2003 i did not find this out until july 2005. i am now tring to join active duty with army. the recruiters say they ran a redd report but could not get a RE code my seperation code was other than honorable (HSG1) unsat participation they then said they needed to see my DD214. so i ordered a copy of my OMPF and when i got it, it did not have my DD214 it had everything eles, But iI did find a document that had my discharge infomation. It is a letter approving my seperation my Reenlistment code is RE4, well i guess my questions are 1.can my DD214 have different info on it than the seperation approval letter?,2. can i fight this? if yes how ? dose an other than honorable unsat participation warrants a RE4 reenlistment code?, 3.what dose an other than honorable unsat participation RE 4 translate to the armys's RE codes. i would be greatful for any help at all