
What can i do about the loud people down the street?

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What can i do about the loud people down the street?




  1. Call the cops, it's that simple or you can do what I did with my neighbors, they used to have wild parties during the week {on weekends I could care less as I am usually up late then anyway but weekdays are for sleep} anyway I got fed up and called my brother who is the typical guy and has an amazing stereo system and I asked him if I could borrow it and teach my neighbors a lesson, I knew that the other people on the street disliked the parties as much as I did so I went and told them that I was going to deal with them once and for all and I gave them all ear plugs.

    Anyway when they started the party I blasted childrens music, it was louder then their music so after about an hour of Barney singing I love you they came over and asked me to turn it off, I told them I'll turn it off when they stop having loud parties during the week, they went and sent everyone home and no parties again.

  2. stick your head out the window and tell them to shut the h**l up

  3. Request them to keep their tone lower.

    If they don't, contact the police.

    Hope this answers.

  4. If they don't stop, call the police.

  5. I liked the first answer, that was funny. Have you tried to talk to them? I would before calling the police, it's better to not get the police involved in your business unless you really have to, there's probably a simple solution, good luck, you didn't say if it's fighting, partying, kids, dogs, or what is so loud.

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