
What can i do about this heartburn?

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can someone help me this heart burn sucks what can i do to stop it




  1. Tums Tums and more Tums!! I had bad heartburn too! Just made my son come out with a full head of hair!!! lol

  2. hiya heartburn is a nightmare especially if u get acid reflux! try eating some dry bread or a few cream crackers no butter or marg on them the doc should precribe u gaviscon which will alleviate it a little but wont take it away, I had bad heartburn and was virtually drinking the gaviscon straight from the bottle whilst shoving packets of rennies down my throat as if they were going out of fashion, they can also prescribe a tablet called omeprazole which are brilliant! in bed if u prop the pillow up to whats comfy for u shud help as well, as it stops the reflux coming into ur mouth! hope this helps Gilly oh it only goes away when baby is born lol sorry for the bad news bit!

  3. When I was pregnant I had heart burn so bad I couldn't sleep.  I was digging through the fridge for something that might help (I was out of Tums) I found a Yogurt, this was a miracle cure, after that night I ate lots of yogurt, it really does help.  The other Great thing that I swear by, are Sunflower Seeds.  I know it sound crazy but just give it a try.

  4. Zantac is what helped me the most. I already had heartburn before I got pregnant but while I was pregnant it was excruciating. If I had a drink of water I felt like I could open my mouth and spit out fire like a I took 150 mg twice a day. Nothing I did totally got rid of the heartburn. Good luck!

  5. don't eat things like tomatoes, spicy foods or acidic foods my wife's doctor told her just to watch her diet and the foods she eats but sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. Our daughter was born with A LOT of hair so that was the cause. but make sure its ok with the doctor that you take tums or any other over the counter stuff. because really the only thing they will ever let you take while pregnant is tylenol and that doesnt help heartburn.

  6. Don't eat before you lie down for upto an hour or more, and if you do eat, eat dairy, calcium helps with heartburn a lot, so make sure your drinking lots of milk, eating yogurt, etc.

  7. Keep a bottle of Maalox within arms reach at ALL times!  It helped me!

  8. You must avoid all drinks containing coffee, tea, colas and

    alcohol as these can relax the LES and allow acid to reflux

    back into the esophagus. Also don't eat large meals.

    Instead eat several small meals throughout the day. Take

    your time eating, rushing through meals helps put

    unwanted pressure upon the LES. You also need to drink

    plenty of water in small amounts throughout the day.Anytime you lie down or go to sleep at night, keep your

    head elevated higher than your body. This position will

    keep your stomach contents in your stomach where they

    belong and not in the esophagus where they will cause

    pregnancy heartburn. During the day you should sit upright

    in a comfortable chair rather than slouching.

    Drink a lot of milk and try malox or tums with calcium, but always talk to your doctor before..Good luck!!

  9. Tums or mylanta.

  10. tums tums tums... try the mint ones they seemed to help me more. I think i should have gotten bought stock lol. I liked tums because it also has added calcium and milk made me so sick when i was pregnant.  

  11. My doc told me to take a Pepcid AC in the morning and one before bed. Take a tums after meals. It made mine go away completely.

  12. I have been using TUMS. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

  13. I was having bad indigestion early on.  At first I was taking TUMS but that made me feeling like getting sick worse.  I'd suggest taking some Zantac 75.  Its on the list my doctor gave me of meds that are okay to take during pg.  

    It worked great for me, usually take it about an hour before you eat something you know will cause heartburn/indigestion.

  14. Warm Sprite got me thru better than any other thing.  If you don't want the sugar, drink diet....but make sure it is warm..  Breaks up the gas and heartburn fast!!!

  15. Ask your Dr, mine gave me RX for heartburn meds it is the only thing that helps.

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