
What can i do about this please help ?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 2 year old son the father has not been his life in 11 months he has supervised visitiation with his son in my house he has not call i just hear he move over a month ago he never told me he move 2 hours from me i am planing on moveing to another county i dont know how i can get a hold of him to tell him when i am moveing what should i do




  1. If he isn't bothering to make an effort to let you know what's going on or see his kid, then why would you make an effort to tell him?  

  2. Find out where he moved to and call him or write him.Doesn't sound like he is interested in being in his child's life which is bad.Move near your family or his so the child can havee some extended family and a male role model(only if there are good male role models in one or the other family).

  3. Well, I would say don't tell him, but there might be a legality issue with you leaving the country since he still has some type of custody even if it is supervised visitation. I have no clue though, so you might want to check with your lawyer.

  4. Honestly, if he isnt holding up his end of the bargain, you shouldnt be held to it so strictly. You cant put your life on hold for a childs dad who may or may not be a part of his kids life. If he misses his visits, document them and keep a record of it. Also, keep trying to contact him and keep record of that as well. Give it a few more weeks. If he continues to be a no show, go ahead with your plans.

  5. You really cant do that without his permission. Let the lawyer handle it.

    I put it in my divorce that the ex couldnt move more than 40 miles away.

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