
What can i do about this problem?

by  |  earlier

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i have had major problems with a neighbour. he was served with 2 asbo's because of the problems he caused, things like blaring music, causing arguments etc. he has basically made life h** the moment he is in jail for supply of drugs,. i have been to the housing and asked them to move me as i cant cope anymore. today i have found out his family have it in for me. im not sleeping and i have been to the docs for sleeping tabs.I no longer feel safe or happy in my own home - how do i get them to see things from my point of view? i have been in touch with my local counciller and MP but nothing seems to be moving forward. Im terrified i will crack! thanks




  1. You've done all you can do, it seems.  Until the council can move you, just keep your head down and don't let it get to you, although I know that's easier said than done.

  2. Keep a diary of events, talk to a neighbourhood watch member if there is one.

    Failing that get the police involved or even better, go for a letter from your GP to give to the Housing Assoc. stating that living there means you have no quality of life as it is affecting your health.

  3. Babe i'd be careful it could soon turn into full scale war.

  4. they are just stupid little bully's who prey on nice vulnerable people who's threat are more empty than threating,they act the tough guys and as a family they believe to be invinciable,don't let them get the better of you.if they have threaten you then go to the police.

  5. I feel it will better for you to go to citizens advice bureau or get a family solicitor on this as for the member of parliament keep actively writing too them!

    And your councilor has to by law keep a Health and Safety for all residents so its best to get a solicitor good luck!

  6. I'm not sure where you live but it sounds like some sort of housing authority.

    You can use an advocate and lay it on the housing people that if they don't move you asap they will be responsible for any harm to you or your son and you will sue.

    Don't forget childrens services are obliged to held you keep your son safe, could they be your advocates?

    Take care, hope you escape to safety real soon.

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