
What can i do and whats wrong with him?

by  |  earlier

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Okay i need help to understand why this lad always does this.

He may just do it and it may be coincidence but i am not quite sure.

this chap at school who stares at me (and from time to time I feel he's looking at me from the corner of his eye). When we walk past each other he would look me in the eye for two seconds and then look down quickly. Other times when he just walks past me (and I'm faced another direction talking to a friend), he would stare directly at me as he walks past.

why does he ALWAYS stare at me, and dosnt even try to talk to me in any way, he dosnt add my email and his friend has it, and also he neevr trys to talk to me EVER yet he always looks.

Oh yeah he knew i liked him last year, lots of ppl told him i did i enevr said it though. He always staresa at me in class at lunch anywhere.

sometimes he stands right next to me when we have to line up for class yet he sometimes when we are close dosnt look at me, he acts as if he is infact ignoring me. But When we are far he looks and when i catch him starin at me he looks down immidiatley or pretends to look out the window, and sometimes he just stays there in shock ( like once he came out of this classroom and i was near there he saw me and like didn’t know what to do he stayed there shocked and turned around and walked away – i feel weird because i think he thinks i like him and that i m always looking at him.

He NEVER talks to his friends about me – everytimer i use to talk 2 his friend bout him his friend always said he never talks about me.

Please tell me what you really think.

yeah he confuses me he looks at me so much yet sometimes when i catch him staring he gives me this '' what?'type of face but goes red. I act like mena towards him i think, whenever im near him i look at him like with an angry facial expression and stuff but i only do that bcoz i dotn want him thinkin i like him and also coz i think he dislikes me for the fact i liked him last yr.

i dont buy the fact he likes me -something makes me belive so but then it coulb be that he thinks i like him, well i spoke tyo him( asked a random stupid short question) and he just said 2 words and went quiet and we walked into class - i was like Oh Okay then.




  1. He is just SHY and does not know how to make a start in being friends - perhaps its time to speak to him with sensible words this time please and try to get a conversation started  

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