
What can i do at home when im bored ?

by  |  earlier

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need something to do like :

crafts or even a job or anything really




  1. Write a novel. It might end up a best seller.

  2. well.. there are alot of things that you can do like, for instance,

    doing chores or housework

    getting a job

    watching kids for money sorta like babysitting

    go to a college (what do you wanna be?)

    play videogames

    go swimming

    play outside with friends

    go to a movie with freinds or boyfriend

    hang out with friends or boyfriend

    things of that matter.

  3. If you get a job you will appreciate your free time much more and never be bored again. Plus, you will have loads of money to spend!  

  4. if you have sky and there are no films there might be some on anytime TV, or rent films from Lovefilm, go running or swimming!!

  5. masterbation

  6. m********e

  7. How about some housework?

  8. go on the computer and download some games. It will be on google.

    Or even something like MSN or Skype. Also if you setup a google account there are quite a few things to do.

  9. Read a good book.

  10. If you have a video camera... try making a horror movie by yourself in your house.

    Or run around naked.

    Thats what i do ;)

  11. when im bored, i answer questions on Yahoo Answers.


  12. Read a great book that you just can't put down.

  13. Sit on here all day...kills loads of hours. Sims 2 is my favourite way to spend free time. What about making cards, painting. There are sites that pay you for new designs and could end up in a job? E.g. Phoenix cards.  

  14. Get a job.

  15. gardening..... housework.... wash cars..... bake a cake..... cook a meal...... ring a friend for a chat!.... write a letter  

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