
What can i do besides medicate myself for my depression?

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Im a military veteran with some serious issues. I get real down on myself about life and family issues. I went to the va hospital and was diagnosed with post tramatic stress disorder. i really didnt like the medications they had me on so i stopped takin them, they always made me sleepy and i really didnt think i was feeling any better. im lost for words and i really just wanna help myself im always angry and i cant control my anger at times. if there is anyone out there that has had similar issues please feel free to email me im open for any positive advise. i just want to get on with my life and be a better man to my fiance' and children but most of all to myself....thanx in advance




  1. Before you sink too deep to want to do anything, or if you are already there then do this on a good day, find something to volunteer for.  It doesn’t even have to be something formal.  Pick up a garbage bag and walk the local neighborhood/trail/park and pick up trash.  Do it with your bare hands if you have to.  Know that you’re doing something good and do it whenever you feel yourself slipping.  

    The small sense of purpose this gives you will act as a seed for knowing you are worthwhile and being at peace.  

    By the way, people will think you’re nuts as you walk out the door with your goofy mission and bag in hand.  If you can, get your family involved without forcing it.  If they do something that makes you angry out on this little mission, remember that they came with you to help you.  If you end up alone doing it.  That’s fine, too.  It’ll bring back some sense of peace, good and normalcy.


  2. I am bipolar sometimes having anxiety episodes.  After my dad died, I experienced PTSD.  I empathize with you.  

    I know how VA hospitals can be.  I took care of my dad the last five years of his life.  He was a WWII vet.  I turned to VA to get him medical help. He was an Alzheimer's patient and suffered from diabetes.  They did help.  I also feel that we were fortunate to have two university med schools in the city where the hospital is.  They were a good source for medical assistance, having their interns train in the VA hospital, saving the VA some funds.

    That was over 10 years ago.  I understand now that there have been funding cutbacks.  I strongly believe that we are duty-bound to give support to our vets after they have given so much to our country.

    That said, don't give up on seeking medical help.  If you don't feel that you are getting help you need, continue to pressed them why not.  Sometimes a call to your Congressman can help expedite things.

    In the meantime, if you don't have medical insurance to cover you (and you shouldn't have to because you did serve your country), look into community support and faith-based agencies who provide mental health assistance.  These are usually free or at little cost.

    I left things go for many years.  I would seek out treatment,  follow the doctor's recommendations for awhile, and then let things slide.  Things got worse.  I would experience worst episodes than before I  sought out treatment.  I was hard on my wife and kids.  It started affecting my job.  Life was becoming miserable.

    It finally came to a head when I attempted suicide.  I was placed in protective custody at a mental health center.  This was probably the best thing that could have happen to me.  I got a better diagnosis, was put on different meds, and we put together a plan for my recovery.

    That was almost 5 years ago.  I have changed psychiatrists a couple of times when I didn't think that they were listening to me.  Different combinations of meds were tried until I got on the combination that I am on  now.  My disorder has improved somewhat.  My psychiatrist has been able to reduce the dose or stop some of my meds altogether.

    I am also in counseling.  I have found that mental disorders have a link to inbalance of the brain's chemistry and that is where meds help.  But I have also found that counseling is needed to undo the "wacky" thinking that I experience that is contributing to my problems.

    One more thing.  I am a Christian and have been all my life.  But I would rollercoast in my faith.   My counselor feels stongly that there is a spiritual componet to most mental health problems.  She incorporates my faith into my cognitive therapy.  I daily read the Bible, pray, meditate, and read devotional materials.  This has really put me over the top.  I am not quite able to go back to work full time.  But I am getting there.

    This is what worked for me. Your may not be a religious person.  And you may not feel  comfortable going back to the VA hospital and being placed back on meds.

    But hang in there. You are right in thinking that you need to do something for yourself.  After all, you won't be able to be there for your family if you don't take care of  yourself first.  And you seem to express the wishes that you would want to be there for them

    One last word:  Your are probably young yet.  Do this for yourself and your family now.  Take it from someone who let it got for over 35 years.  I missed out on a lot of happiness in life.  I am doing better now and I am seeing a bright future for my wife and myself.  I hate to see someone go through the same thing I did.

    God bless.  I will keep you and your family in my prayers.  Go with the grace of God.

  3. definately know that you are NOT alone. and-- whats even better is that you get a lot of relief just by sitting down with yourself.. and writing down a few troubling feelings that you have on a consistent basis.. whether it be anger or .. sadness.. or emptiness.. and just get a good log going of when you experience each of those.. maybe even write down the date.

    and just keep track of what type of situations bring out those specific feelings. Trust me.. i have suffered with depression and anxiety for years.. and the one thing a lot of people won't tell you to do (because its so cheap, so efficient, and soo helpful) is to write things down. wants you become in control of when and where you experience a negative emotion of troubling feeling.. you can track it and basically figure out what causes it.. and how you can change your cognitive thinking.

    you see.. everything you feel.. while it may seem overpowering and hopeless.. and all of that.. it really boils down to your hard wiring. you react because theres something going on in your head right now.. thats saying this is what is happening and this is how i have to react. but a lot of expensive therapy, broken down.. will really lead you to understand one thing.. and that is.. you gotta change the connections that say .. i need to be angry here. i need to go into depression here..

    figure out what your triggers are.. and keep logging about how they make you feel.. and what you are going to do differently the next time.

    you will begin to see how your perception can change how you feel drastically! its amazing..

    you have the power and ability to do this. and starting somewhere is a start!

    ps. all my secret tips .. aka a few things that will just help you right away.

    a. hypnosis (your mind is sooo susceptible under hypnosis, and your second mind.. or subconscious WILL work towards fighting your depression)

    b. anthony robbins. *an amazing motivational speaker(you can dl him or buy his tapes)

    c. youtube: ask victoria (this woman is brilliant and can tell you how to use your body to fix your mental state

    d. meditation.. alone time.. breathing technique. positive reinforcement. hobbies. talking about it. doing things that make you happy and Proud! alwayyys helps.

    join a forum.. write in a journal. talk to your family about it. practice deep breathing.get good exercise and stay on a good sleep schedule

    do these things.. and you will see results! + its rewarding. why not give yourself a chance to beat this depression. you are so much stronger than it.. and so much wiser for asking people to help you.

    stay positive!

  4. if you want to be a better man

    than you do want help

    but not self medication, or alcohol

    maybe a natural antidepressant

    read the success stories on depression


    take care

  5. i used to suffer from depression until i tried marijuana. I don't even have to smoke a lot, just a few times a week and I feel great. Definitley get a medical card, it will really help if you smoke in moderation and don't start depending on it. Just remember, it's not for everybody.

  6. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

  7. My answer is;


    I want to Thank you for your Service to this Country! I know how though it was. My Son is a Honor Guard.

    If you are in a state that allows you med. marijuana. I would suggest looking into it. Getting a job while being medical is a trick. Most people think you just want to get high. But isn't taking a drug, taking a drug if it helps you live?

    Good Luck and Positive Vibes too You and yours.

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