
What can i do during my voleyball tryouts thatll help me stand out and get a better chance of making the team?

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im trying out for my high school boys volleyball team as a freshman. and im a DUDE.




  1. obviously play well and do your best and try to wear a bright colered shirt, like red or a brighter blue

    good luck

  2. boy vball players stand out most with their spikes

  3. hmmmm....just concentrate on playing...not about what anyone else thinks about you! Do you know your serve and hitting approaches? When you are passing, make sure you are in ready position and that your shoulders are pointing to your setter. If you make good passes, hits, and serves....then you should definitely make the team. Good Luck!

  4. Spiking well stands out. Also it shows a lot of committment in tryouts if you conquer the fear of diving for the ball.

  5. I played volleyball for three years varsity, remember that volleyball is a team sport, help your team mates get better. If you see a guy not running as fast as everyone else, be that guy to help him. Coaches always love that.

  6. the most important foundation in volleyball ever ever ever that you MUST be able to do in order for the team to function is PASSING! You won't play if you can't pass because if you can't pass, the setter can't set and the hitter can't hit and it will be that much harder to score. Passing is the ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT CONCEPT! Then comes other stuff like hitting. Also, be sure to go for the ball and call it.

  7. all i have to say is hussle hussle hussle.

    this will get you noticed and pay attention to what the coach is saying.

  8. basically just always keep your eyes on the ball and always be focused on the the game/tryouts.

    Also dont ever look over at the coaches or the people judging you cause alot of people do that and then the coaches no your not being youself and your trying to REALLY impress them

    good luck

  9. Of course doing your best always is a good thing but, also take intrest in the team and your skills. Ask the coaches how you can improve and what needs to be improved. Doing that shows a positive attitude and dedication to the game. You may not be the best player but, you attitiude and dedication may get you more than one look.

  10. i'm a sophmore and i played vball last year.

    just play your game and just do your best.

  11. The answers above this are good.  

    I will add something as simple as wearing a brightly colored t-shirt.  And make sure it does not contain anything negative in the wording.  You want to be noticed positively, not negatively.

  12. read some of this

    YOU can make yourself stand out by knowing the general rules of the game, hustling, looking at the coach when they speak (with no talking), calling the ball "mine!" when you are going to pass it, encoraging your teammates, trying your hardest in every drill, and looking generally happy and coachable.

    above all: relax, have fun, work hard.

    good luck.

  13. Just get down the basics and be willing to dive for the ball.

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