
What can i do?? embarrising. ?

by  |  earlier

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i am in health and we are getting our marks back from the big exam we did.

i am so nervous. i think i soiled myself.

i just checked and i did.

my friend is giving my funny looks like i smell.

this teacher is really mean and wont let us go to the toilet.

what can i do??




  1. soiled? ha whats that even mean. you made a plant or something? haha

  2. OMG

  3. how r u in health and on YA?


  5. If you get that nervous to ware you soil yourself , You may need to see your dr, You may have some underlying medical conditions , but then anxiety affects people in many different ways , don't feel bad , we are all hum ens and we are all different , Maybe your dr can prescribe some medicine to help a disorder if u have one weather be anxiety or a bowl or bladder problem, at least you could have a Dr's excuse. In no way would any teacher or any one tell me i couldn't use the rest room when i need to, no mater how mean they are , when you got to go,. you got to go.

  6. say you don't feel good and go to the nurse

  7. Cover your mouth with your hand, and dash to the bathroom as if you're going to throw up.

    Once you get to the bathroom, clean yourself up, and if someone checks on you, say you threw up. If not, change into something else, if you can, go back to the class and play it cool. No teacher can tell you no to pursue a basic human need...and she'll be grateful you didn't "barf" in her class!

    And in case this ever happens again, always bring a spare pair of underwear, pants to change into. Don't be embarassed!

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