
What can i do for a week to show good citizenship?

by  |  earlier

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so in my civics class i am supposed to come up with a way to show good citizenship for a week!?!

Got any good ideas?





  1. go out and support Ron Paul

  2. ask your local registrar's office to volunteer on a drive to register voters.

  3. mind your own business

  4. Serve for your community! Good luck.

  5. keep your mouth shut, that's a start, and don't point your finger to anybody...

  6. Protest. Thomas Jefferson once said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." And NEVER confuse dissent with disloyalty. Dissent is dissent, period. You disagree with the government. So what? You're entitled the right to do so under the constitution, and voice your opinion if you disagree.

  7. Do a letter writing campaign to someone in the military.

    Here are some more ideas...

    Organize a litter clean up at a park.

    Help out or contribute to a food bank

    For everyday....

    # Show concern for the success and safety of others.

    # Use non-judgmental language that does not offend or demean.

    # Do the right thing, especially when it is difficult.

    # Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

    # Take responsibility for your actions.

    # Reflect on how your actions affect the welfare of others.

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