
What can i do for community service?

by  |  earlier

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could i go around and mow peoples lawns for free or wheres a good place to do it or what can i do?????




  1. Vollunteer for the Lion's Club,,, they just get together once a month.  

  2. I always find that what towns need most are people picking up litter or helping out at the local animal shelter. :3 There's also small creeks filled with c**p/litter that could be cleaned out.

    If you really want to mow lawns, consider checking out your local fire station! My dad always ends up being the one stuck with mowing duty after a long days work; he hates it! I'm sure the local firemen/women would really appreciate it if you dropped by and offered to cut the grass for them!

  3. clean the streets for the city you live in

  4. volunteer at local animal rescues or shelters,hospitals,senior centers,schools,libraries or Y.M.C.A. Are you a young person? it is harder to find places to volunteer if you are younger due to insurance policies and such.My mom had us kids "adopt" a senior neighbor who lived alone.We would mow the lawn,shovel snow,carry groceris,run errands etc When we were old enough we volunteered with a community organization. I think its great that you are willing to help out

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